Tuesday, 19 March 2013

haul - vintage (style) + mondrian + mint (& berry) ♥

... some new pieces in my wardrobe! :D i'm a vintage fan since i was a child - because of my mum who always wore pieces which were 20-30 years old, and she always looked stunning ... she was my first fashion idol. and when i got older, she let me wear some pieces myself. in the past people said that i was oldfashioned because i loved the style of the 40s, 50s, 60s etc. - but well i never cared. and 1-2 years ago oldfashioned got a new description: vintage! and immediately it got hip. vintage style was THE style. 

i was happy about that, because now i could also buy wonderful and effortless clothes at H&M, zara and other stores. 

but the real vintage style got very pricey - so i was really very happy when i found these two dresses i want to show you below: a mondrian dress (well, i searched for an effortless one FOR AGES! i always loved the mondrian paintings and i always hoped to somewhat wear one of my favourite artists motives as clothes!) and a peter pan collared dress in mint from 'klingel' - authentic vintage! and i love the colour! 

the dark green maxiskirt is from my mum's closet - she gave me this one because i asked her if she had a long circle skirt. well in fact it was no circle skirt, but it was beautiful, though! ... i will combine it with a white hippie top or the black lace longsleeve shirt which i never wore before. 

ah and there are also newly produced pieces: a mint & berry vintage style dress and a vintage style turquoise coloured peter pan collared top from primark - i also searched for something like that for months!

... so, we've had enough of words - now let's get something nice to look at!

 and what is YOUR favourite style?

... don't forget to participate in the 'best of the blogs' campaign and the giveaway


  1. Die Sachen sind so unglaublich schön, absolut mein Geschmack! Ich bin so verliebt in das erste Kleid :)

  2. tolle Eroberungen, besonders das zweite Kleid gefällt mir =) Zu dem Kaffeeritual muss ich sagen, dass mein Freund in Wien studiert hat mit Kaffeehauskultur und allem =) Also gibt es bei uns besondere Kaffeesorten, die natürlich frisch gemahlen und mit besonderen Gewürzen verfeinert werden, besonderes Geschirr, ein kleines Kaffeebäumchen in der Küche, aufgeschäumte Milch, verschiedene Zubereitungsarten, türkische Espressospezialrezepte usw. usw. usw... wenn der Arzt ihm jemals den Kaffee verbietet, begeht er Selbstmord =D

    1. oh, du hast so ein Glück, ich suche schon ewig ein weißes Vintagekleid in der Art in KK und find nix =/ klar, wir machen ein Bloggertreffen mit meinem Liebsten als Kaffeehausbetreiber =D ich meine ein richtiges Kaffeepflänzchen... es wächst aus einer Kaffeetasse =D

  3. ich hab irgendwie die ganze zeit gelesen 'wie gern ich mal wieder drin baden würde' & dachte nur 'nä! das kann ja nicht sein?!' :D

  4. ooooh die Sachen sind so so so schön! :O ich liebe mint! da hast du wirklich tolle Sachen gefunden :)


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